• Photo of River in Van Buren
  • Growing Our Businesses & Community

  • Committee Members

  • Marketing Opportunities Guide

  • Marketing Opportunities Guide

  • Put your business front and center by sponsoring a Chamber event, annual program, or digital media.

    New network building events in 2022 include the Battle of the Business Bowling Tournament and the Local Lunch for restaurants.  BE PRO BE PROUD and Connecting Educators in Industry are focused on building the workforce pipeline for our community.  Also new this year are two annual program sponsorships, the Governmental Affairs Committee, and the Chamber Ambassadors, both focused on advocacy for a strong, business friendly climate in our community, county, and state. 

    Or promote your business utilizing the Chamber website, which received more than 145,000 visits in 2021. And don't forget the long running favorites; the Annual Meeting & Business Expo, the Golf Classic, Business After Hours, and the Arkansas Scholars Award Ceremony.




  • Arts On Main

    Arts On Main


    Non-Profit Organization

    About Us

    Arts On Main enriches the River Valley and eastern Oklahoma with educational programs, creative outlets, and community connections. Located in downtown Van Buren, AR, our 20,000-square-foot center features state-of-the-art facilities and neighbors the King Opera House. Our mission is to to provide vibrant opportunities for all to engage with and enjoy the arts through experiences and education, while cultivating and showcasing artists and their works. Engage in art experiences for all ages in ceramics and pottery, culinary classes, art classes and workshops, K-12 afterschool and homeschool classes, children's theatre, summer art camps, and more. Our galleries host work by national and local artists featuring the range and talent of our own community. Our galleries and children's Creative U Studio are free and open to the public 11-6 pm Monday through Saturday.


    Summer Art Camp
    Wonderful World of Art Camp
    STEAM Camp
    STEAM Camp
    Adult Art Class
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    Art Library and conference room
    Children's Creative U Studio
    Theatre Program "Steel Magnolias"

    Rep/Contact Info

    Gray Ashton
    King Opera House Assistant Manager and Technical Director
    Madeline Byrd
    Patron Services Specialist
    Jessye King
    Program Manager
    Stephanie Payton
    Ceramic Studio Manager
    Bill Ratcliff
    Executive Director
    Coralee Young
    Director of Development and Community Relations